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69 indicios de que eres un adicto

Discussion in '911' started by Mille Miglia, May 6, 2009.

  1. Mille Miglia

    Mille Miglia Soloporschista

    Jan 24, 2008
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    Extraido de
    Aplicable a cualquier dueño de un aircooled. Yo me he visto reflejado en muchas, algunas de las más estúpidas e inconfesables.;)

    10 Signs (and more) that you are a 964 Addict
    Emanuele Ferry started a thread on the Rennlist 964 Forum on the 10 signs you are an addict theme. Here are 69 of the signs! Thanks to all.

    1 You reach 80 km/h in town just to raise the rear wing
    2 You consider ABS warning light an annoying thing
    3 You consider fan belt sensor the cutest invention ever
    4 When you see another 964, you check on the rear badge if it’s a 2 or a 4
    5 The word “Cup” only means a kind of alloy to you
    6 You asked a friend to raise rear wing and watched the mechanism with open lid
    7 Seat adjustment takes you half an hour
    8 You lower rear seats even if you have to load a briefcase
    9 Moquette in your front boot is cleaner than in your bedroom
    10 You proudly show to friends Porsche badged mini-compressor
    11 You believe temperature on heater knob is really temperature inside car
    12 You’re planning to buy a whale-tail
    13 You scare friends by suddenly pushing door lock button
    14 You consider 3.0 SC too old and 993 not enough wild
    15 Your car spares dealer is no longer puzzled when you ask for 12 spark plug
    16 When approaching a watch closely in the rear view mirror as the people behind you point and exclaim, "WOW, look at that!" - as your electric tail lowers right in front of them
    17 You can spell "Freudenberg" without blinking an eye.
    18 You're proud to state "My Car Doesn't Leak"!
    19 You've got $2k stashed in your safe (that your wife doesn't know about) for the inevitable DMF replacement.
    20 You've memorized the Porsche part number for the dual distributor vent kit.
    21 You know you can just swap your Potenza S-03's on your C4 with Blizzaks and kick any SUV's ass in the snow.
    22 You're now used to and have gotten over the rest of the Porsche crowd calling your car the "Ugly Duckling of the 911 World".
    23 You've priced the 3.8 litre piston and cylinder kits at least once.
    24 You publicly state you love your 964 and would never get rid of it, but secretly you'd trade her away in a second for a mint 964 3.6 Turbo S if you could afford it..
    25 You keep the revs below 4000rpm for the first 1 hour and 35 mins of any drive - 'cos that's how long it takes for the oil to warm up....
    26 First purchase is a Chamois sponge to get rid of all that condensation in the winter
    27 Always travel with a fully charged mobile phone, because it's German it should be reliable, in the real world it never is.
    28 You lose a nights sleep because it has developed a clunk which you imagine is going to cost £2,000 + to fix (it ends up being a loose engine undertray!!)
    29 Although you would never like to admit it, you secretly hanker after a 993 or in darker, weaker moments a 996 with a GT3 body kit!!
    30 You say you really like Guards Red, but you would never order a new BMW in solid red!!!
    31 You start to believe that a repair bill of £500 "is quite reasonable, and less than I expected"
    32 It takes you about 15 mins, 3 loo rolls, running in and out of the car and wrestling with a 4 foot long dipstick when topping up the oil.
    33 Your clutch has no resistance for the first half inch of travel and you don't care.
    34 In the face of universal objective criticism you convince yourself that the dash switchgear layout is ergonomic perfection.
    35 You've never dared ask 'why not turn the engine round, lose the useless rear seats, and...hey've got a mid-engine supercar?'
    36 You just have one more look at it before you go to sleep ... (I meant your car, you maniacs !!)
    37 Your wife asks you : "If you had to make a choice ... me or your car ?"
    38 At night when nobody sees you, you can sit for 10 minutes in front of your car just to admire the curves
    39 You think that--without a doubt--the 964 is the most attractive 911 ever produced. And, you're not just saying this because you own one.
    40 Every time you see another 964 on the street, it makes your heart beat a little faster.
    41 At a stoplight, with all eyes on you and the car, you feel flush with supreme confidence.
    42 You're starting to get used to the fact that the exhaust exits from the RIGHT side!
    43 You can't get away from the habit of leaving your wife's stomach behind when pulling away just to hear her squeal ....
    44 Having that "don't even try" look in your eyes when a BMW driver pulls up next to you looking for a race!
    45 When looking at your car from the back, you can't remember when you've ever seen a sexier pair of hips!
    46 Your accused of rubbing your car more than you wife
    47 You have a secret credit card (hidden from wife, statements sent to your office) to pay for performance enhancements
    48 You know why the ignition key hole is on the "wrong" side.
    49 Your two most-used acronyms are DMF and AMF. 'Dual Mass Flywheel' and 'Adios, M***** F*****.
    50 When you decide that your next 911 will be a 964, NOT a 993
    51 You open your window when you're driving thru' a tunnel or a narrow street just to hear the sound of the engine bouncing back to you
    52 When you saw 'Sexy Beast,' you didn't understand the film's title until the last scene
    53 When you're comfortable with the fact that many of the "brake ducts" offered on the market don't actually do a damn thing for brake cooling on a 964...they just look cool!
    54 You know that what some illiterate folks call an "ugly duckling" is The most Aerodynamic, Slickest CD (.32) body Porsche has ever sold on a Real air cooled production 911!
    55 You open your cab top, sometimes also in winter, to hear full engine sound
    56 You think a non-adjustable wheel is normal in a supercar
    57 You have an open account with a local circus contortionist to provide interior cleaning of the rear window, as needed.
    58 You love the high pitched whine of the curved fan blades. (I wonder if you can hear it only in the car?)
    59 When you have a 993 and you lust over a 964 3.6 Turbo S
    60 You open sunroof to suck hot air because engine compartment fan doesn't work
    61 You know your VIN number by heart
    62 You know your VIN number by heart and you know what groups of numbers stand for
    63 You know what a 965 is
    64 You decide to sell it, but then each week you somehow forget to advertise it properly so it ends up staying in the garage...
    65 You better understand the expression "you want to play, you got to pay" (but don't seem to care much).
    66 When someone says to you "how's the baby" & you smile to yourself thinking of that flat six...
    67 So you tell your wife you only want 2 kids 'cos you can't fit any more into the back of a 911
    68 When you laugh out loud on your own in your car after you've had a long blast.
    69 So you enjoy washing the car and view it as some sort of bonding experience with your car touching all those curves
  2. delmonte

    delmonte Highway to hell

    Jun 29, 2006
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    curiosa lista, gracias, guilllermo

    eso sí, para muy freakies... yo no me siento identificado en nada de lo que es maniático, pero... 31 You start to believe that a repair bill of £500 "is quite reasonable, and less than I expected" :Smiling Face With Open Mouth::Smiling Face With Open Mouth::Smiling Face With Open Mouth: ;)
  3. .Pablo.

    .Pablo. Soloporschista

    Dec 30, 2008
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    De bar en bar...
    3.6 H6 Air Cooled
    Ya te digo ......:Smiling Face With Open Mouth:

    47 You have a secret credit card (hidden from wife, statements sent to your office) to pay for performance enhancements :rolleyes::cool:
  4. joxxan

    joxxan Usuario ++

    Oct 3, 2007
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    Hombre alguna verdad que otra si que dice...
  5. Mille Miglia

    Mille Miglia Soloporschista

    Jan 24, 2008
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    No me creo que tú no te identifiques al menos con 25.:[angel]
  6. Tone

    Tone Soloporschista

    Oct 22, 2008
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    Es gracioso, y ............................ británico.
  7. io23

    io23 Usuario +

    Sep 20, 2007
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    La Gomera
    El numero 37! Me ha pasado.:[applause]
  8. delmonte

    delmonte Highway to hell

    Jun 29, 2006
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    luego hago recuento :p
  9. Mille Miglia

    Mille Miglia Soloporschista

    Jan 24, 2008
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    A mi me salen 39 aciertos. Supongo que tengo que hacermelo ver...:rolleyes:
  10. maverick

    maverick Senior

    Sep 7, 2007
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    Me identifico con muuuuuuuuchas.... :)
  11. Porschistacanario

    Porschistacanario Soloporschista veterano

    Sep 6, 2007
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    la 47 me recuerda a mi tio el lancista...jajajaja
  12. delmonte

    delmonte Highway to hell

    Jun 29, 2006
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    me salen 34, no llega a mayoría absoluta :p

    (lo cual quiere decir que el test está mal hecho) :Smiling Face With Open Mouth::Smiling Face With Open Mouth::Smiling Face With Open Mouth:
  13. Petruk

    Petruk Hidalgo de la Mancha

    Aug 18, 2008
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    Porsche 964 C4
    BMW 318IS (e30)
    Harley Davidson Road King
    39 You think that--without a doubt--the 964 is the most attractive 911 ever produced. And, you're not just saying this because you own one.

    :[amen] :Thumb:

    51 You open your window when you're driving thru' a tunnel or a narrow street just to hear the sound of the engine bouncing back to you

    :[angel]. Bueno y que? :Smiling Face With Open Mouth::Smiling Face With Open Mouth::Smiling Face With Open Mouth:
    Last edited: May 6, 2009
  14. delmonte

    delmonte Highway to hell

    Jun 29, 2006
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    70. cuando supiste que RUF podía convertir tu coche en un CRT pediste precio y a pesar de la barbaridad que supone no te espantaste
    71. siempre has pensado que el 911 perfecto sería un 964 con culo de 993
    72. dices con orgullo que el 964 algún día también será un clásico
    73. sí, el 964 no es el último aircooled, pero es el último con cañoneras, y para ti eso lo hace el último 911 de verdad
    74. periódicamente te dices que vas a usarlo sólo para salidas, pero acabas usándolo siempre que puedes
    75. a pesar de que tienes "tu" 964 y no lo vas a cambiar, entras todas las semanas a mirar webs de ventas a buscar hermanitos para tu 964 (otros 964)
    76. cuando vas en una concentración te preguntas lo bonito que debe de verse tu coche desde los demás
    77. en las concentraciones con tanto 996 y bosxter te dices que ahí el único que sabe lo que es un 911 eres tú con tu 964 (y los de los sc, 3.2, etc)
    78. ¿el logo carrera en negro o en plata?
    79. cuando algún profano te pregunta qué porsche tienes le dices que un 964
    80. cuando el paisano te mira con cara de besugo congelado, te metes a explicarle toda la genealogía 911 para que entienda que lo que tienes es la mejor generación de 911
    81... sí, ése que el paisano llama "carrera"
    82. le has explicado al menos una vez a alguien que no le interesan los coches la diferencia entre aircooled y watercooled
    83. a tu novia se lo has explicado cien veces y aun así no le importa demasiado
    84. la luneta de plástico del cabrio es una mierda pero te parece super elegante ver las cosas deformadas a su través
    85. de todos modos, siempre será mejor ir descapotado, aunque sea para mover el coche de plaza de aparcamiento
    86. cuando descapotas contienes la respiración por un segundo, temiendo por el desastre
    87. mil euros te parece la unidad mínima de medida en un taller
    88. cuando un amigo está indignado porque se ha gastado 300 euros en una reparación de su seat o renault le miras sin comprender dónde está la afrenta
    89. el dolor de bolsillo se te va en cuanto recuperas el coche del taller y le das una simple vuelta a la manzana
    90. nunca encuentas el botón del PSM :p
    91. en las concentraciones te sientes orgulloso cuando todos los demás hablan de que se les encendía el chivato del PSM y te dicen algo así como "y tú qué huevos, que no tienes nada de eso, todo manos" :D
    92. te han contado mil veces que el 993 tiene una suspensión trasera mucho mejor, pero te preguntas para qué, si el 964 va de puta madre
    93. has mirado mil veces el precio de la tercera luz de freno, pero no, no baja por mucho que lo mires y sigue valiendo la barbaridad que vale (incomprensible, por cierto)
    94. te encanta pararte en las gasolineras con el morro arrimado al surtidor, mientras todo el mundo te mira como si fueras gilipollas por no arrimar el culo y no el morro
    95. cuando miras un cuadro de un 996 te preguntas cómo porsche ha podido reducir a tan mínima expresión las cinco esferas de toda la vida del 911
    96. te emociona el cuentarrevoluciones grandote y en el centro
    97. en la vida has mirado el marcador de velocidad en serio, que además, con buen criterio, te lo tapa el volante
    98. cuando vas a comprar recambios a un centro porsche dices con orgullo el modelo de tu 911 (es decir, dices "964"), convencido de que sabes más de tu porsche que el del concesionario (que ya sabemos que sólo entienden ya de watercooled :p)
    99. siempre piensas que algún día te gastarás una millonada en dejarlo de concurso pero de verdad y con todas sus consecuencias
    100. pero siempre decides que lo quieres tal y como está, y que el coche es para disfrutarlo ya
  15. zarpoxx

    zarpoxx Gran Experto Porschista

    Jun 29, 2006
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    Ahora SI me salen todas!!!

    Eres un crack, Delmonte!

    Un abrazo.
  16. Mille Miglia

    Mille Miglia Soloporschista

    Jan 24, 2008
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    101. Aunque tu coche NO PIERDE NI UNA GOTA de aceite siempre miras el suelo de la plaza "por si acaso".
  17. Delarosa

    Delarosa Senior +

    Feb 28, 2007
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    Lo peor de todo es que, a pesar de ser un acojonado y no haberme comprado aun un 964, me identifico con más de 10, y con más de 20.
    De las de Delmonte no me he podido identificara con demasiadas, pero conociéndolo creo que iba a tener más o menos las mismas.
    Me ha llegado al alma la mirar si es un C2 o un final sí voy a ser un enfermo.


    PIRATEKO Soloporschista

    Oct 9, 2006
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    JM ahora se por qué vas vestido siempre de negro..... eres mentalista. ¿verdad? :Smiling Face With Open Mouth::Smiling Face With Open Mouth:

    De otra forma no me explico ese 100% de coincidencias con un servidor:D

    Guillermo, lo de la gota de aceite también:Smiling Face With Open Mouth::Smiling Face With Open Mouth:
    Last edited: May 7, 2009
  19. DAWE

    DAWE Gran Experto Porschista

    Jun 29, 2006
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    Boxster S 987
    jajajajajaj qué bueno!

    JM, eres un fiera...

    la mejor:
    71. siempre has pensado que el 911 perfecto sería un 964 con culo de 993
    73. sí, el 964 no es el último aircooled, pero es el último con cañoneras, y para ti eso lo hace el último 911 de verdad.

    Siempre he pensado lo mismo!!!


    37 Your wife asks you : "If you had to make a choice ... me or your car ?"

    Mi esposa dice que no me hace esta pregunta por miedo a la respuesta.... :[angel]

    964 for ever!!!
  20. Petruk

    Petruk Hidalgo de la Mancha

    Aug 18, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Porsche 964 C4
    BMW 318IS (e30)
    Harley Davidson Road King
    Es que es la pura verdad :D:drooling

    La mia dice lo mismoooooo :Smiling Face With Open Mouth::Smiling Face With Open Mouth::Smiling Face With Open Mouth::Smiling Face With Open Mouth::Smiling Face With Open Mouth::[angel]

    Viendo que empezamos con las traducciones, pongo dos con las que mas me identifico.

    37 Crees sin dudar que el 964 es el 911 más atractivo producido. Y no lo dices porque seas el propietario de uno. :drooling

    51 Abrir la ventana cuando estás conduciendo a través de un túnel o en una calle estrecha sólo para escuchar el sonido del motor resonando. :[angel]