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A sticky ZP motor oil question.

Tema en 'International forum (english)' comenzado por turbocup, 5/11/07.

  1. Usuario archivado 44

    Usuario archivado 44 --

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    Sincerely you all have created the best oil thread in the forum, congrats :Thumb:
    ... and on my own concern I feel comfortable about my oil speech, endorsed by those quoted "oil authorities" which are well explained and summarized not as mine in spanish but nevertheless, on the correct direction. :D:p

    Well, as the joke says, I´m forced to ask:

    If we "both" are spanish....why are we talking in english? :D

    :Smiling Face With Open Mouth:
  2. turbocup

    turbocup Gran Experto Porschista

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    In Spain it never rains in the plain

    Let's put this way. We live in Spain :[angel]

    For those technicaly minded I recomend reading the following abstract of the paper published by T W. Selby of Savant, Inc.
    It may lead to controversy....

    The Viscosity-Dependent Fuel Efficiency Index for Engine Oils

    Viscous Friction.-

    Protector of the Engine and Thief of Energy -

    The viscosity of a fluid lubricant is a form of friction. At the various sites at which lubrication takes place, this friction converts energy into unavailable heat proportionately to the viscosity but exponentially (to the square of shear rate) with increasing engine speed. However, among other advantages, higher speed engines permit greater fuel economy, consequently, reducing the viscous effects of the engine lubricants is even more desirable.

    Critical Information -

    Two pieces of information are required, to the author’s thinking, in order to develop a meaningful algorithm for fuel efficiency. The first is to determine the energy lost at all important lubrication sites in the engine. The second is to denote the temperature at which these sites operate in normal, steady-state engine operation.
    With this information, and the viscosities of the oils at these temperatures, the author could determine the viscous effect on fuel efficiency.

    Shear Rate -

    Another variable is the shear rate of each of the lubrication sites. Each lubrication site has its own operating shear rate which may vary somewhat from one another. The author elected to use one shear rate value,1,000,000 sec-1 as an approximation of all main engine sites.

    The Major Engine Sites and Their Energy Loss -

    A study of the several engine sites of greatest contribution to viscous energy loss was included in a book written by Richard Stone in 1993 (2nd Ed.) [13]. The contribution of each major lubricated area of the engine to friction power loss was obtained by isolating effects of that engine component by progressively physically subtracting them from a motored engine. Figure 1 shows these five major areas and the viscosity-related power loss associated with them in the operating engine. (In the development of the algorithm no other forms of major energy loss such as pumping loss was relevant to the algorithm.)
    Considering these viscous-related values for the moment as being intrinsic to the “universal” modern engine, it remains to find out how these values vary collectively for a given oil and what responses are exhibited by different oils having different viscosities and viscosity-temperature relationships affecting their viscous-related fuel efficiency.


    I'm sorry for hi-jacking this thread.

    Archivos adjuntos:

    Última modificación: 26/2/08
  3. Quilla

    Quilla Queen of Soloporsche

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    Why don´t you write all this information in the spanish forum, I think there must be lot of people interested.

  4. turbocup

    turbocup Gran Experto Porschista

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    Hi Killa
    That's a good idea
    Translation volunteers, wanted.
  5. Quilla

    Quilla Queen of Soloporsche

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    :Smiling Face With Open Mouth::Smiling Face With Open Mouth::Smiling Face With Open Mouth::Smiling Face With Open Mouth:

    I woldn`t mind but my english are not that fluent.